Sometimes hiding is perfect…{Transformational Ritual Inside}

Perhaps you’ve noticed I haven’t connected with you in the last two weeks and the main reason is because truthfully I didn’t feel it. (Is your Good Girl horrified to read this?)

Not because I didn’t care about you, it was because I was listening to myself and my own needs.

This is something I teach all of my clients because we are so conditioned to do everything for others first and we put ourselves last.

But when we do this, we end up feeling exhausted and depleted which leads us to give from a place of “running on empty,” from a place of should and obligation, instead of giving from a place of fullness and joy.

This is a recipe to create more lack and disappointment in our lives.

The energy of obligation, guilt and fear feeds the Victim in us and suffocates our Wild Woman.

Sometimes hiding is perfect….because it helps us reconnect back to ourselves.

Have you been feeling the massive shifts that are happening right now? I’m talking about deep healing, it feels like a gigantic cycle of death and rebirth has been activated, where it’s time to let go of the old (the deeper old) and create space for the new (the unimaginably new.)

I was reading about the full moon on Capricorn last Sunday and it’s all about cleansing and transforming our lives so balance and harmony can be restored.

I found this ritual (on forever conscious) that I’d love to share with you. You can do it within the next two weeks of the full moon so you still have time.

I highly encourage you to do it, as all the energies are supporting you to deeply release what no longer serves you so you can open up to give and receive from a place of full joy and abundance. This is what happens when we clear and create space.

Capricorn Full Moon Ritual for Spiritual Transformation

You will need:

White candle

Smudging tool– sage/palo santo

Pen and paper (optional)


1.) Find a quiet place where you can’t be disturbed. Light your candle and smudge around your entire body and the room that you are conducting this ritual in.

2.) Sitting comfortably, preferably on the floor or on your bed. Close your eyes and begin by taking 7 deep breaths in and out to help calm your mind and still your energy.

3.) With eyes still closed, place your hands over your heart center, and repeat 7 times- “I love and accept myself”.

4.) Now lay down on the floor or your bed. Imagine your hand is a magic wand that is going to open, clear and raise the vibration of three of your most powerful energy centers. Use whichever hand you prefer, but stick to the same hand through the process.

5.) Imagine a powerful white light coming from your hand. Visualize it and see it in your minds eye. Hover your hand over your belly and begin moving your hand in a counterclockwise direction, making big circles over your stomach. (Imagine the clock is face up on your body).

Repeat the circle 7 times. Once completed, shake off your hand and then repeat with 3 more circles in a clockwise direction. As you make the circles you can use your breath to help you.

6.) Next, hover your hand over your heart center/ chest area and repeat the process- make 7 large circles in a counter-clockwise direction, shake off your hand and then make 3 circles in a clockwise direction. As you do this, imagine the white light from your hand clearing, cleansing your energy.

7.) The final energy center to clear is your third eye region which is at the top of your head/forehead. Repeat the same pattern- 7 circles counterclockwise, shake off your hand, 3 circles clockwise.

Notice what comes up for you as you make these circles, do you feel any energy moving? Feel free to trust your instincts and repeat more circles if you need to. You can also concentrate on other areas of the body too if you feel like you need healing in a particular energy center.

8.) Once you have finished the circles, stand up and shake off your body, just to get the energy moving and your blood flowing.

9.) One final time, place your hands over your heart center and repeat 7 times- “I love and accept myself”. Notice any changes in your body and in yourself as you say this mantra for the second time.

10.) As a final step for the ritual, you can write or state a verbal intention that you would like assistance on. This Full Moon is about transformation, so perhaps focus on an area of your life you would like to transform or bring acceptance to.

11.) To close the ritual, you can smudge yourself and your surroundings one more time if you feel its necessary. You can leave the candle burning for as long as possible, but don’t leave unattended!

Let’s create space to receive our desires.

Enough with carrying with old baggage that doesn’t serve you.

Enough with carrying people and things that only take from you.

It’s time to rise and claim YOUR truth and power unapologetically!

It’s time for you to release all shame and guilt so you can reclaim your Wild Woman and live the life that you are destined to live.

I’d love for you to hit reply and share with me how was this ritual and what major aha did you receive from it.

Here’s to a more transformed and authentic you!


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