That Miami Talk I Gave? Here it is…

This week, I’ve got something special for you.

OMG, I cannot even begin to share the magic and power I felt this past weekend at the talk I gave in the Miami Conference.

It was truly fabulous.

I was so nervous, but your kind words and the magic of the Universe showed up, so I could fully step into my power in that moment.

I felt changed by sharing my story. I felt changed by the energy of the brave women in the room who share theirs.

But mostly, I was so honored to be a part of a full weekend that included courageous women, incredible speakers and endless aha moments.

I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to do this, and I thought I would share with you, my insider audience, the full experience. (A friend of mine was able to record the talk with my phone so the quality is not the best but the message comes through all the way.)

You can find my talk above in the video.
(The video is long, but well worth it.)

After the conference, a woman came up to me with tears in her eyes as she realized her bitch has been running the show and was destroying her marriage and her relationship with her kids.

Another women who had suffered sexual abuse as a child realized that by never telling anyone about it has kept her small, invisible and in victim mode. This was affecting her ability to receive and feel deserving to create the business she so desires.

And there was a Wild Woman who has been working on connecting with her emotions regarding relationships. She realized she has been disconnecting from others as she went to the other side of the spectrum taking care of herself only.

These are real women’s stories. These stories are within all of us.

This is why doing the work and stepping into our Empowered Woman is essential in EVERY area of our lives, as it brings balance and peace for us to have and create everything we desire.

One of the women at the event was with her husband and he heard the talk. He was amazed, as if his life was also transformed by hearing this message. He said that as a man he realizes how essential it is for every woman to live from her empowered state and how this will help the men to feel more connected to them.

I was seriously blown away.

I truly trust that you create the time to watch this powerful presentation. And if you’ve ever felt disempowered, empty or invisible — this one’s for you.

AND, I’d love to hear your comments, your aha’s and what your two main takeaways from this talk are. Comment below and share with me!

With all my love,




P.S. Are you ready to stop doing everything alone?
Are you ready to have the support you crave and need to feel…

  • Empowered and be fully connected in a truthful and loving relationship
  • Have the courage to be visible sharing your powerful message and stop hiding.
  • Feel confident in your receiving and end your struggle with money.
  • Own your beauty and femininity without apology or
  • Build the business of your dreams on your own terms?

Join me, on a complimentary 30-minute coaching call here.

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