The Good Girl syndrome and how to get out of it…

The other day I was talking to a client of mine who got trapped in what I call the Good Girl syndrome.

When we are in this place our desires seem to take forever to manifest and we feel our life is passing us by. This is so unsettling and uncomfortable because we end up doing so much with very little to show for it.

We feel frustrated and we are so hard on ourselves thinking that we should be further along already!

We are cheap with ourselves, we don’t give ourselves what we need to thrive (self care, support, healing, further guidance, whatever we need) because we are busy taking care of everyone else. On top of that we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect, to get things right because we should know, we’ve done the work already, we’ve invested in ourselves enough….and it’s exhausting.

And inside, when we get home we find ourselves feeling so lonely, so tired of fighting, of pushing, of making everything work so we can finally take care of what’s important to us and that time never comes because we always find an excuse and end up sabotaging what we want the most and leaving ourselves for last.

We get ourselves in debt emotionally and financially.

We stay in relationships that drain us and take from us.

We feel disheartened about dating or we feel disconnected and misunderstood with our partner.

There’s chaos all around, crazy things happen to us that bring our energy down and makes us feel bad about ourselves. (and we judge ourselves for attracting those situations into our lives.)

We feel so far away from achieving our dreams.

We are in self sabotage and don’t know how to get out of it.

We are tired of being alone. Struggling. Having to deal with everything and everybody.

We give so much to other people (because we can’t seem to stop giving) and we start to feel resentful because we are the ones feeling alone, empty and depleted, while others move on with their lives.

Even when good things happen we can’t seem to enjoy them because we are exhausted from everything we are doing…

And we know better, we’ve done enough work to know what to do and we try but it doesn’t work, nothing seems to work. We feel trapped…and we hate feeling this way….

Does this sound familiar?

Strong women like us don’t like to feel down. We don’t want to be seen as victims and yet we find ourselves stuck in this cycle more times than not.

And here is where we get trapped, by not giving our Victim her voice (The Victim archetype gets activated when our Good Girl has nothing left to give…)

We brush things off with the illusion that it will go away and we keep plowing through but what we don’t realize is that what we are really doing is continuing to avoid the voice that is calling us to rise.

And we end up staying stuck and working really hard for what we want.

We feel this inner fight between our strong self and our victim and we use a lot of our energy to keep her at bay instead of using our energy to create our desires….and then we wonder why it’s so hard for us to get what we want.

I know I get trapped in the Good Girl syndrome every time something big is about to happen for myself and every time I’m about to move into my next level.

In order to find our way back into our power we need to call in our Wild Woman. She’s the part of us that is deeply connected with our truth and desires….and knows exactly what we need in order to receive them.

But the Wild Woman can’t come out until we give the victim back her voice.

Most of us avoid the victim because we are afraid of what we are going find when we dig deep. Some of us feel that we already did the work and we forget that there are different layers…

No matter how much inner work we’ve done on ourselves, every time the victim wants to come out we panic inside because we feel we are going to get stuck in victim mode forever.

What we miss to see is that the Victim is trying to show us that something is out of alignment with our truth and the only way out is to call in our Wild Woman.

And here is the beauty….our Wild Woman is the receiver. The fastest way to activate our Wild Woman is by giving ourselves permission to RECEIVE.

Another thing about the Wild Woman: She knows she’s not meant to figure things out on her own (like the Good Girl learned to) when she can call in others to help her.

And here’s the magic, when we activate our receiving by asking for support, we also activate the receiving of the resources necessary so the right people, the money, the experiences come to us effortlessly….(as if by magic) to heal and release the past.

But in order for ALL of this to happen, you have to be willing to trust and drop the fight.

If you are ready to go to your next level and you are looking to end this Good Girl syndrome that’s keeping you trapped and away from receiving…

  • The freedom to be authentically yourself at any time, in every situation
  • Higher levels of abundance for what you do in the world
  • The loving, intimate and juicy relationship of your dreams
  • A deeper sense of confidence and self worth that allows to feel empowered and unlimited to create the life you are meant to live
  • A level of creativity, flow and joy that fills you up every single day of your life
  • Relationships that nourish you and celebrate with you
  • and so much more!

Then you are ready to unleash your Wild Woman!

I’d like to invite you to join me in Isla Mujeres, Mexico for another powerful and magical Wild Woman retreat.

This retreat is a very sacred experience where in only five days you will remember and reclaim your Wild Woman. Surrounded by beauty and luxury in this gorgeous paradise, you’ll be able to get away from your busy life and have space and time only for YOU.

We’ll go deep into releasing old victim tendencies that have been keeping you trapped and stuck so you can end the Good Girl syndrome, move to your next level with ease and reactivate the joy, the magic and the beauty of what it means to be a woman.

Every activity is specifically designed to assist you in reconnecting with your authentic self. The moment you step foot on the island you’ll be fully provided for…all you need to do is be open to RECEIVE.

Delicious, gourmet and healthy foods and morning yoga will activate your body temple. Healing and sacred ceremonies will awaken your truth within and your connection to spirit.

Laser coaching and group activities will allow you to release the shame, guilt and unconscious energy that’s been holding you back and will ignite your passions allowing you to feel inspired, joyful and alive.

At the end of the five days you will feel integrated and in full alignment with your Good Girl and your Wild Woman. You ‘ll be crystal clear on what you require in order to create the life you truly desire.

I’d love to schedule a call with you if you are really ready for this big transformation in your life.

CLICK HERE to book a call with me.

I SO look forward to guiding you on this sacred, wild and powerful journey.

Sending you so much Wild Woman love,

PS: I came to the retreat because I had really lost touch with myself and I found myself struggling in my business, not enjoying it. I had this very frenzied sense and feeling like I wasn’t making traction. I wasn’t doing things in a way that were really working either for me or for the business and I wasn’t feeling happy.

It’s interesting because one of the things that I realized here is that I really had lost touch with myself and it was impacting my most important relationship, my relationship with my husband. I know it was impacting how I was showing up for my kids too. So I was thinking that it was something I had to sort out with the business but it was really about me and getting back to myself.

At the retreat I was able to reconnect with myself and allow my Wild Woman to be free and self expressed again.

This work is vital for any woman to be able to show up in your life as the woman you truly want to be. If you are not connected to yourself and you are not addressing these pieces that are standing in the way of that it’s absolutely going to impact your physical health as well as everything else, relationships, finances, career, business, family, friends, everyone that you interact with. It’s not this selfish afterthought, this is absolutely required to show up in your life as the woman you want to be so you can serve, support, love and nourish others in the way that you really want to without sacrificing yourself in the process.

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