This quote will change your life FOREVER

I just came back from Las Vegas after spending a powerful weekend surrounded by amazing women entrepreneurs from all over the world.

I just LOVE live events. There’s such a magic that happens when women gather together in person!

When we come together we lift each other up and we nourish each other, this is the power of the feminine! And it’s so necessary for all of us, especially the ones who run our business from our computer.

I was invited as a speaker and I did a powerful presentation in front of 250 women on the second day of the conference. When I shared this, I could feel the whole audience taking a moment to feel the power of this quote….

Just now, what did you feel when you read it?

I received this quote in a meditation about three years ago when I was in my beautiful apartment in Los Angeles where everything from the outside looked so pretty and perfect, and inside I was feeling devastated, exhausted and ready to quit.

I was holding this image of somebody else’s perception of success and inside everything was falling apart.

I mean, I had the multi six figure business, I worked with amazing clients, I had a team working for me, I was traveling the world meeting clients in beautiful destinations….I had it all….

Meanwhile this pressure to be successful was keeping me up at night because deep inside I felt defeated. My marriage was falling apart, my body was breaking down, I had zero time to socialize and meet with friends. I barely made time to go to yoga (which feeds my soul.)

I was putting everybody else before me….this is the trap of the Good Girl.
I was creating my business from sacrifice AND scarcity energy, thinking that I could only have one or the other…I didn’t think I could have all of it.

My feminine was dying in search of fulfilling a masculine model of success.

This is when I had to stop and get really honest with myself.

Was this kind of success fulfilling to me? Did I want to continue to do this? Was I willing to risk what was deeply essential to me (myself and my relationships) to fulfill somebody else’s image of success?

How did I really wanted to look like? At the time I didn’t even know I had the choice….

This was a tough one for me. I put so much energy into building a successful business but it came with a big price.

I asked myself this question many times: “Can I really have it all?”

At the time I didn’t think it was possible because all the examples of success I received came from the masculine…So I made it my mission to find the way and I knew if I didn’t have it, I could create it.

I had to drop the mask and that was SO hard for me because my Good Girl wanted to please others, wanted the approval. She longed to be praised and recognized and she was willing to do ANYTHING, no matter the cost.

I’m not ashamed of this as it was true at the time. This is what happens when the Good Girl is starved from her real needs…

This is when I know I needed help because at the moment, my Good Girl didn’t feel enough, didn’t feel worthy. She thought I had to work really hard for what I wanted so others would like me and I could be accepted in their circles. And I was ready to do whatever it took until… Wild Woman showed up to wake me up!

Creating an online business was so new to me, it triggered all of my insecurities. And this is what I learned: Every time we go into our next level that’s unknown (whether it’s a new relationship, a new business, a new level of income or we become wives, mothers, etc), our Good Girl is going to be triggered because we don’t know what it looks like or what it feels like. We don’t know if we are doing it right and what if we make a mistake….she freaks out.

This is when we go into fear and survival and from this place we can’t fulfil our purpose.

We can’t heal the world if we don’t start with ourselves. This is why it’s essential that we ignite our Wild Woman, she helps us come back to balance.

Our Wild Woman helps us hold the torch of our feminine power. She is CONFIDENCE, FUN, and ADVENTUROUS. She shows us how to honor ourselves and our needs. She encourages us to be daring, play by our own rules, be sensually and sexually ignited, and live in a state of unapologetic FREEDOM.

She is the home of the womb; and connects us with our creativity and right to abundance, whether that’s money, joy, pleasure, or love. Instinctual and grounded, she’s also connected to nature, the cycles, and the truth of the universe.

She shows us at every moment how to love ourselves because she knows that we ARE pure DIVINE LOVE. So she helps us set boundaries that give us respect and effortlessly allow us be heard and seen.

She’s inside of you, waiting to be claimed by YOU!

When we are empowered in our feminine, then we can do the dance with the masculine. From this place we can create a successful business while also sustaining a beautiful and loving relationship with ourselves and others. We feel fulfilled, abundant and unstoppable, all at once!

This is what I did and what I’m inviting you to do as well.

It is my mission to help you to come back to your Good Girl and give voice to your real desires, at the same time that we ignite your Wild Woman to feel confident to claim them and make them a reality.

It is also my mission to help you find your truth, follow your own internal guidance of what it means to live a successful and fulfilling life and how to create life on YOUR terms.

When your Wild Woman is activated in your life it makes everything be a true win win.

I’d like to invite you to get out of survival and step into your true feminine power so you can create the life you desire, on YOUR terms.

Through the Empowered Woman Archetype system I found the way to help you get there fast while honoring YOUR truth and desires.

Let’s get on the phone, explore those desires together and create a customized plan that will allow you to create success in your business while sustaining beautiful relationships in your life, starting with yourself.

CLICK HERE to book a call with me.

No more sacrifice. No more pushing. No more putting so much pressure on yourself where you end up exhausted, drained and resentful.

It’s time to call in your Wild Woman within and access your true feminine power.

CLICK HERE to book a call with me.

Sending you so much Wild Woman love,

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