Do you believe in magic, real magic?

Last Sunday was the final day of another unforgettable retreat.

One of the main things that every single woman experiences at the Empowered Woman retreats is magic, the magic that happens when you reconnect back to your truth.

The first day some women were skeptical. They were thinking to themselves: “Where’s this magic you are talking about? Let’s see if it’s true.”

Most of us learned to live life in what I call “proving energy.” This can be tricky as it has us experience life in a state of mistrust until proven otherwise.

Some of us learned that magic is for the naive, for the dreamers and if we believe in it, we won’t be taken seriously and that’s not safe.

The second day of the retreat was dedicated to “Visioning.” We go into a powerful visioning exercise that I created where I personally guide each woman individually through it. Lots of energies move that day.

By the end of the day we had a powerful Shaman with his wife, daughter and members of his tribe visit us at the house to perform a very sacred Mayan ceremony.

This ceremony was meant to help us call in assistance from our ancestors and the Universe to bring our vision to the world.

That day it rained hard all day, non-stop, very rare for Mexico at this time a year. We performed the ceremony on the back porch of our gorgeous villa, where we were all cozy in a circle.

Towards the end of the ceremony, the Shaman had us thank the four corners, which is the north, the south, the east and when we got to the west corner, we turned around and the sky has opened up showing the most glorious sunset as we were asking “father sun” for the blessings.

Talk about magic!!!

A big part of the work that we do at the retreat is redeem our Good Girl, because she’s the one that creates magic in our lives.

Without our Good Girl energy, we can’t feel love, appreciation, or experience miracles like the sun showing up to be seen during our shamanic ceremony. No matter what happens or how much people give us, we can’t feel it.

Most of us shut our Good Girl down because we’ve been taken advantage of and that has led us to betraying ourselves and our truth.

The way we can feel safe to trust our Good Girl again is by unleashing our Wild Woman, this is why we dedicate a day solely for her (without spoiling the experience, let’s just say it is one of the most unforgettable days of the whole retreat.)

My Good Girl loves surprises and gifts and every time I experience a retreat my heart is filled with joy and appreciation for the women who so powerfully transform before my eyes.

I’m also reminded of the magic women get to create when they choose themselves first, going into those “dark” places they’ve been hiding from and healing so they can shine their truth and light unapologetically.

I’d like to invite you to believe in magic today, knowing that it is SO part of who you are. By allowing yourself to feel this, you will be receiving the biggest gift, a direct connection with your true essence.

I’d also like to share a big gift with you.

We are already preparing for the next retreat.

All you need to do is schedule a call and I will share all the details with you.

Sending you so much love from Isla!

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