Did you receive this yet?

Did You Receive This Yet Unapologetic Receiving Course

I woke up on Monday morning feeling like I had to pinch myself. I hosted a four day retreat for some gorgeous women who came all the way to Buenos Aires, it was such an honor to me.

These women heard a calling and said YES to themselves in a way that they’ve never had before. 

One of the main things that came up during the retreat was that they would not have hesitated to say yes if it was for their business, families or their children (yes, they were all mothers), but when it came to themselves, they had to face many fears and doubt until they finally said yes.

Can you identify with them?

How many times we tend to put other people’s priorities in front of our own? This is something that most of us women are SO trained to do…and we very easily leave ourselves for last…

The second thing that came up in the retreat was that even thought a woman says YES to an experience, for example like coming to Buenos Aires, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she is open to receive it. 

A big part of the work as women is to allow ourselves to be open to RECEIVE what we say yes to in our lives.

Have you ever noticed yourself trying and pushing too hard to receive what you want?

Do you find yourself feeling exhausted, frustrated and somewhat resentful towards the way things are working or not working in your life?

Here are a few signs that your ability to receive might be blocked:

  • You are feeling like you have to do EVERYTHING in order to receive, and you still don’t receive
  • You are constantly stressed out or anxious about money
  • You play “the good girl” role in most of your relationships and you are afraid of speaking your truth
  • You are exhausted and struggling to get clients or to fill your programs
  • You doubt yourself and your ability to make it to the next level in your business, career or life
  • You feel your mind is dominated with negative thoughts and you don’t know how to change those thoughts to a more positive outlook

I get it, I have been there!

The good news is you are not alone there is nothing wrong with you.

I have spent many years getting coaching, certifications and studying the art of receiving and now I have created a course where I will share all my secrets and tips so you don’t have to spend years and time trying to figure this all out on your own. 

The Unapologetic Receiving Course is your solution to opening up your channels of receiving and making this your year of receiving all you desire.

It can happen for you and if you allow yourself to be guided, to take the steps and do the exercises in the course, you will be blown away at how easy it is to receive.

I am offering this course again so that you also can have the life you desire. In order for you to have it all, you require to take the first steps.

CLICK HERE to learn more

Don’t wait, say YES to yourself and watch everything start opening up for you in every area of your life.

With so much love and beauty,


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