I am back to talk to you about your relationship with money. If you have not seen the email from earlier this week you can read it here.
Today, I want to talk about how you can manifest money the feminine way.
But first, let’s address some beliefs we have been living with for decades.
Now, things are different today than they were 50, 20, even 10 years ago. Our mothers and our mother’s mothers paved the way for us to be seen as equal. They gave us the right to vote, to have a say and to make our own life and money. As women, we have seen massive progress. However, there are many of us still chained to ideals, beliefs and standards that are not our own.
Many of us grew up relying on men to build and manage the money. We have had this idea that “someday our prince will come.” Our prince will come and take care of everything.
Prince Charming doesn’t have to be a man by the way. Your “prince” could be an employer or a lottery jackpot. Your “prince” is really the idea or the fantasy that someone or some situation will save you financially.
As women we have also learned we shouldn’t ask for what we need or deserve. It should be given to us. We have been conditioned to wait for permission to receive what we want.
I have a question for you, how’s that working out in your life?
You are not a cat stuck up a tree. What do I meant by this?
Stop waiting for someone to come save you.
We as women have to stop taking ourselves out of the money game.
I was reminded about money blocks the other day when speaking with one of my clients.
She is from a very small city in Mexico. She was interested in working with me and she knew it was exactly what she needed. The money piece came up, especially as she converted the cost from pesos to dollars. My client felt like it was inconceivable to spend that kind of money on herself.
I won’t go into all the details, since it is her personal story. But I will say she had been depressed for years. She was struggling in her relationships. She had a business and was working very hard but was making very little money. She needed a massive change.
She ended up booking a 3-month coaching program with me. During our time together I learned that she had used part of her family savings in order to pay for the program. She told me she had booked the program because she realized she didn’t want a future filled with misery. She was so tired of feeling like she had no life. She didn’t want to spend another day not feeling alive.
This month, we are almost at the end of her program. Last week on our call, she told me she understands why she had to invest at such higher level.
She recognized that if our coaching was a lower investment, she probably would have walked out of our coaching commitment, like she had with all the smaller programs she had done in the past. Since the commitment was high level, she stayed and these are some of her results:
Her relationship with her husband completely transformed. They both are communicating better than ever before. She’s able to express to him what she wants without feeling guilty or being bitchy.
She feels stronger. She looks in the mirror and sees her beauty most days now. She dresses more elegantly with colorful garments.
Her relationship with her children is more open and loving. She’s able to connect with her kids emotionally now. She is able to play with them and listen to their needs.
She’s excited to add some of what she’s learned in this program in her business, since she owns a beauty shop. Our work inspired her to help other women feel more whole and beautiful.
She’s able to set healthy boundaries with family and those around her. If she doesn’t like something, she’s able to voice it without feeling inadequate.
If she didn’t invest her money at a bigger level, if she would have let her money illusion stop her, she would have missed all of this amazing transformation. Her family would not have had the chance to benefit from her healing either.
What my client did is she trusted herself instead of her fears.
I feel so honored that she also trusted me with her transformational journey. Her journey fills me with hope and immense gratitude.
Today’s truth: To manifest money the feminine way we first require to trust ourselves.
I’d love to hear from. How do you take yourself out of the game when it comes to money?
To answer just reply back to this email.
With so much love and beauty,