I was reflecting on the subject of things happening easy in our lives this week. I’m organizing my first live event in Buenos Aires for April this year and my P.R. woman, who’s helping coordinate the event suggested that I gift the attendees a little booklet for them to take home.
Long story short, I am now writing a book, my first one ever in Spanish! I was amazed at how easy this process is being handled. Of course I am doing my part and there’s such a sense of ease and flow like I’ve never experienced before.
As I was thinking about this process, a memory came to me about when my husband Rob and I started dating. Relationships with men have been hard all my life, in fact traumatic and difficult. They were certainly never easy.
When Rob moved to NY from Maine, he had sold his business, his home and left everything all because something told him he needed to be in NY. When we started dating it was the first time that I didn’t have to work hard for a relationship, just being me was more than enough.
I mean I have moved mountains to be with a man before, literally moving to another state, giving them my bank card because they lost their job, you name it.
Things with Rob were easy since the beginning, and when I say easy I’m not saying we didn’t have things to adjust to or work through.
I’m simply saying that things would unfold one after the other with a sense of ease, love and gentleness, not pushing, fighting or bending over backwards to make it happen like I was used to.
A part of me though was secretly waiting for the other shoe to drop. It felt too good to be true.
This part of me was so resistant to allowing myself to receive with ease that many times I created conflict and made things more complicated than they needed to be.
I even had this feeling that he was going to die, because for the first time I was fully enjoying a relationship with a man.
It was sickening to me and later, after doing my diligent work on myself, I realized that I was operating under the belief that “I had to work hard for what I want” which meant that if it came easy, it wasn’t worth it or I didn’t deserve it.
Later on as I was building my business, I came across a version of this in many ways. For example, if I did a launch of a program or a product, I would make sure all pieces were in place to the last detail before I launched. This resulted in making my team crazy, micromanaging every move and every word. It was exhausting for all of us.
This chaos caused my team to under deliver and me getting so frustrated as a result. No bueno.
Bottom line, I didn’t realize that my capacity to receive with ease needed to be adjusted again in my business. I soon realized too that I need to apply it in every area of my life.
Is this making you think? Can you identify with what I’m sharing with you today?
I’d like to invite you to reflect on this piece of receiving with ease. Two years ago I created a program where I basically shared the exact formula that I developed through my learnings on how to receive with ease.
It is my intention to make things easy for you if you know receiving with ease is something you require to transform at this time in your life.
This is why I put this program in a format where you can have immediate and easy access, in the comfort of your own home where you can do it at your own pace.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
There’s a gorgeous community of Women Receivers waiting for you. Here are some comments from our Facebook Group:
CLICK HERE to learn more.
I look forward to having you on our gorgeous Receiving Community.
With so much love and beauty,