{Empowered Woman Mantra} Let’s Talk About The Elephant in the Room

What if I told you today there is more than enough money for everything you desire?

It’s true. There is enough in the Universe for you. And I believe you totally deserve to live a life of abundance.

But if you are like many other women I have been talking to lately, you probably have something holding you back. You are struggling in your relationship with money and your ability to receive money. You have fears and illusions about money you need to address.

As a coach I have avoided the money topic for a number of reasons.

(I will talk more about why later this week in another email) although I do address this with every single private client. But today I am feeling called to speak up.

As women, it is time for us to all talk about the big elephant in the room.


 Money is something we all worry about.

 When our bank account is running low, we lose sleep over it.

We get stuck in scarcity mode. We contract and pull all our energy inwards (This doesn’t help us generate more wealth, by the way.)

However, the same can be true if our bank account is full.

When our bank accounts are full we worry about how to keep all that money. No matter how much we work and save, many of us never feel like we have enough of money.

This idea, this illusion of “not enough” gets ingrained in our brain and doesn’t just limit our ability to receive money.

This “not enough” limits our soul, constricts our energy and our ability to receive abundance in our life. And when I say receive abundance I am not just talking about money! I am talking about love, support and even fun.

So, the question is, what is your money illusion?

What is the elephant in your room?

Do you invest in yourself last?

Are you waiting for someone to come save you from yourself?

Do you struggle to charge what you are worth because you don’t feel 100% confident?

Get honest. Be real. Keep an eye on your inbox, darling. In a couple days I will tell you how to receive abundance in your life through your very own feminine power.

Have a day full of abundance and magic.

 With so much love and beauty,

P.S. Help me talk about the elephant in the room. If this message spoke to you, and if you feel called, consider passing the conversation to someone you know and love who needs it. With so much appreciation and love for you.

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