How good are you gonna let it get? {Beauty Challenge Inside}

Sydney women

I am SO inspired by the power of community among women! This is NOT something I learned growing up, in fact, I mostly learned to compete with other women in my life….

Sydney woman

Being here at the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs live event in Sydney, I’ve learned that in the Australian culture, there are old believes that have been stopping women from expressing and being their most beautiful self…

It is called “Tall Puppy Syndrome”:

  • “If I am different and go for my dreams, I would be unfriended, gossiped about. It is not accepted to be different.”
  • “If you get too big, that is threatening to somebody else”
  • “If you stand out, you will be criticized, judge, left out”
  • “Loving yourself is a bad thing. Be like everybody else”
  • “Is wrong to stand out. Why do you have to be different? Why can you be happy with what you have?”

Can you relate?

I am not from Australia and yet, this is very much the way I was brought up in my Argentinian culture.

The old conditionings of “You can’t stand out”, “If you look too good, is unsafe”, are Universal….almost any woman around the world in one way or another feels or has felt this way at some point in her life.

The thing about conditionings or believe systems, is that they are not true…


They are somebody else’s truth, that you took as yours because you have been told, since very little, that this is the way it was supposed to be.

And you know what? Being surrounded by beautiful and powerful women for the last two days is such a great reminder that every woman needs to live this way:

  • feeling free to be who YOU choose to BE
  • owning every part of YOURSELF (even the ones that are not so pretty)without apology and…
  • creating a powerful AND beautiful business and life, while making aHUGE difference in the world.

I know you desire to live a full life. A life that has you wake up feeling excited, and the first thing you say when you look in the mirror is “I am beautiful and I love my life” AND NOT, OMG, “look at those bags under my eyes”…

It starts with doing things differently than you are used to. Getting out of your comfort zone…


Sydney womanToday I want invite you to take a Beauty Challenge, to think outside the box, to break some of the rules (you know which ones those are), and do something in your life that you’ve never thought you would do, or better yet, that you have been told you can’t do.

Don’t make it overly complicated and maybe start with something small, like wearing red lipstick. This will give you a push to try bigger things later on. The idea is that you get to train your brain to do things differently so you can start gaining the confidence and exercising this muscle of transformation.

For example, I was talking to two gorgeous ladies on one of our breaks and they were telling me how much they wish they would have the courage to wear red lipstick (because they saw me wearing it 😉 and they weren’t sure if they would look on them. One said her lips are too small, and the other one, that her lips are too big….

This is exactly what I’m talking about… we can be so judgmental of ourselves!

The reason why I want you to start with beauty is because this is where you can you can become an easy target and where you can really allow yourself to overcome the fears of being visible, noticed, and with that feeling judged, criticized and left out.

I gave them the challenge to try it for a full day and notice how they feel. Of course, red lips make a huge statement and OF COURSE, you will be noticed…that’s the whole point of the challenge…

Are you up for the beauty challenge, Peggy?

I would LOVE for your to reply to this email and share with me what you have chosen to try differently in your life, so you can start getting more familiar to what it feels like to live life on your own terms.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kisses, love and beauty from Aussie land!


PS: If you are ready to create YOUR beautiful life, and LIVE LIFE on your OWN TERMS, I invite you to have a conversation with me over the phone or SKype.  In your Discovery Session, I will help you uncover the conditionings and old believes that are holding you back from living YOUR MOST BEAUTIFUL LIFE . 


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