{Inspirational Tuesday} Your Empowered Woman Mantra 12-8-15

It only takes a decision to become who you know you were born to be. 
This decision is not always easy and yet, it’s yours to claim, no one else’s.
Above all, it requires confidence and courage, two big traits of the Empowered Woman.
The most common block is when we say to ourselves: “Who am I to become the woman I was born to be?”
When you claim your truth, without apology, something really beautiful happens in the Universe…the starts swirl, the planets dance, there’s a cosmic party in celebration of your claim, so don’t be afraid, we are all waiting for you to claim your TRUTH and live it unapologetically!
This week I invite you to repeat this mantra and share with me by commenting below, what does it mean to you to be an Empowered Woman? 
I SO look forward to hearing from you!
Also, not sure if you saw that I’m doing a webinar that’s all about the Empowered Woman. I’ll be sharing information that I’ve never shared before and it’s going to be mind blowing…in fact, it’s going to make SO much sense on so many levels for you in your life!

Unleash Your Empowered Woman 

“Learn 3 Keys to Be in Your Feminine Power and 

Create a Fabulous 2016″

 Tomorrow Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm UK/ 8am Sydney (12/10)

 CLICK HERE to receive the webinar details

SO looking forward to seeing you on the webinar!
Love, love, 

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