You are meant to feel beautiful in every way.
You are meant to radiate your beauty to the world, feeling confident, unstoppable and unapologetic about it.
Maybe you wake up every morning with a pretty good life. A roof over your head and more than your needs met. Everyone looks at you like things are pretty good in your life and you think you have people that love and respect you.
Yet, deep inside you feel pretty unfulfilled and if you are honest with yourself, quiet frankly, scared and insecure, unbeautiful. Most days you don’t have the strong sense of self that you would like and it may seem that people around you are much more sure of themselves or know so much more of who they are than you do.
Inwardly you truly crave to know who you are, to be more empowered, to own your beauty from the inside out and to make decisions based on what you desire and not on what the right thing is or what others expect of you.
You know there’s something important about you, something special that you have that you are meant to share with the world and for far too long, you have been invisible, in fear and no where around you was this sense of empowered femininity and notion in your life.
You find yourself confused, not knowing where to ask for help, because you have tried in the past without getting any concrete results. These unfulfilled emotions have you turn against your body, loosing all connection with it. You start neglecting yourself, your beauty and your self care, and that keeps you in hiding by taking care of everything and everybody else around you….but yourself.
After all, you have been taught to be a good girl and that means, to do everything for everybody else first.
Probably you didn’t have many women around you who modeled for you the depth of femininity and beauty that you secretly crave.
My name is Paula Lacobara, and I am here to show you what is available for YOU. I have been there more times than I want to remember and today I have uncover the secrets to owning my beauty, my truth and my feminine power in a way that not only makes me feel confident and unstoppable to create a life I love, it also allows me to open up to receive the love, abundance and relationships in my life that have my heart sing.
– If you are looking for a sense of self and you crave feeling beautiful in your body.
– If you desire to feel confident to know how to present yourself when you go out to the world and be proud of who you are about and what you stand for from the inside out without apology, then that’s what a Private day intensive is for.
In a private day with me, you will wake up, heal and integrate those pieces in you that have been blocking you from feeling fully confident, beautiful and unstoppable.
We will nurture these pieces in YOU that perhaps haven’t been given the attention or time to or you had no role models that showed you how.
In a Private Day Intensive I provide a safe container, a neutral container for you to feel free to be and express yourself, without reservations, without holding back and in this way, allow yourself to experience true transformation.
SO many women walk in their lives with enough masks, according to what they think family, culture, society expects from them…is this you too?
We are so used to putting our best face forward to the point that we have forgotten who we truly are.
How exhausting is that?
In Private Day Intensive you have the opportunity to release all those inner judgements and drop the masks that has been covering your true, authentic self so you can be guided to uncover who you truly are and from there create your desired life…
A life that has your wake up in the morning feeling happy and fulfilled, fully connected with your inner self and intuition.
A life where you feel loved, appreciated and where you know you are worthy of receiving all of what you desire.
A life where you feel absolutely beautiful, confident and unstoppable.
After a Private Day Intensive, you will be transformed.
You will have a clearer picture of the woman you know you are meant to be in the world and you will stand tall, knowing how to access your inner beauty, who you truly are every single day of your life.
If you are wondering if a Private Intensive is right for you or wondering why you would hire a beauty mentor for yourself…
There is a way and a place for us women to learn how to become a woman, step into our femininity and own our feminine power.
We learn how to be a woman from other women.
And yet the women around us, family members, friends, relatives, who see us in close circles and certain ways, don’t have the level of objectivity sometimes to really give the kind of feedback and mentoring that most of us as a woman crave.
In ancient times women got mentoring from their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, women in their family and in the modern age most of us don’t have that collective support.
I am trained as a coach, and I am trained in the profession of health, beauty and spirituality and I have worked in my feminine empowerment to such a degree that now, from an expert level I offer the feedback, the care and the nurturing that very well meaning family members and friends just could never deliver because they are too close to you, your environment and your particular situation you are looking to transform.
So if what you want is a sacred and safe space away from your day to day and people who know you and know you in a certain way, then this is what a Private Beauty and Mentoring Intensive Package is for.
And in other ways where someone might not see your beauty, or your brilliance or your power because you were the funny one in the family, or you were always the safe one that people got advice from (like me) or the smart one but not the pretty one or whatever the story is, when you come to me it’s a completely objective space, a safe space for you to be seen as you really are.
Part of the beauty of this work and why it is so transformational is that you get to have the personalized attention to be focusing on YOU for a whole entire day.
In allowing yourself to receive YOU by being witnessed, those parts of yourself that are blind to you, your shadow, will be called out to the surface to be seen and healed.
Using my unique and powerful coaching approach, I will offer a kind mirror so you can take a look at those pieces without the shame, the guilt and the judgement and by doing this, you will be able to set them free and reclaim your true, authentic self.
I will gently assist you in unblocking your blind spots fully and by you being the active participant in this process, you will receive the tools to continue the expansion of who you know you are meant to be in the world.
Can One Day Transform Your Life?
If you…
Yearn for a deep connection with your body, are looking to love yourself in every way, and want to feel beautiful and unstoppable from the inside out
Want to see the tangible and positive results you desire for your relationship with yourself and everyone around you, including your clients
Prioritize your business over your self care, and long to reconnect with your feminine energy
Want to attract more ideal clients and money as a result of feeling confident, worthy, and bold in your beauty
Crave more ease and pleasure in your life that will allow you to attract loving and healthy relationships
Know you are here for a big purpose but have been hiding or feeling stuck
Are ready to receive in a big way and gift yourself with luxury and beauty in gorgeous locations
Then a Private Day Intensive is exactly what you need. I will immediately see your unique truth and beauty, and guide you on a journey so that you can see it too.
When YOU say YES to yourself for a Private Intensive, you are saying YES to a new way of being and existing in the world, where you learn how to be in charge of your life, feel fully confident of who you are and know exactly why you are here without having to apologize for it.
Which Intensive Location do you Feel is Calling YOU?
LOS ANGELES – August – December 2014
Coming to Los Angeles for your intensive you will be infused with the sun, the mountains, the sea and the beauty that is available only on the West Coast. Being exposed to the elements in this way, you will uncover your own power and endless possibilities for your life.
Los Angeles is the city that represents the pioneer, LA is the entrepreneurial capital of the wold, the place where people have come to for years to make their dreams happen. Here you become the creator and the movie star of your own life.
It is time for you to walk down YOUR OWN red carpet.
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Carol Solvay’s Experience after her Private Day Intensive in New York City:
“Through my Intensive Experience with Paula, I have been able to clear past emotional wounds that were holding me back as well as getting to my true Authentic Self”

For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
NEW YORK CITY – October 2014
New York City is a city that stands for expansiveness, excitement and being bold without apology.
Investing in your private intensive with Paula in the energy of New York City you will be supported in exploring your truth, claiming your beauty and embracing your confidence unapologetically.
The New York City Experience will have you GLOWING from the inside out as you step into your own strength, beauty and power. Most of all, you will have the opportunity to safely be and embody who you truly are.
For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
MIAMI – December 2014
Miami is one of my favorite places to be. It is the perfect blend of the north meets the south. It’s latin flare ignites all of your senses, the clear and turquoise waters, the variety of foods and colors, the nature all around, provides the perfect environment for you to let go, feel free and open to receive YOURSELF in a beautiful way.
This city was my first port of arrival to the States and it brought freedom of my own beauty, as I was able to express my body (outer beauty) and my soul (inner beauty) in a completely new and truthful way. Being far away from my homeland, I was able to see myself for who I truly am and the energy of Miami, gave me the opportunity to claim it without apology.
The passion of the latin influence is palpable in every corner and by you allowing yourself to receive this level of support in Miami, you will be gifting yourself the opportunity to immediately connect with your body, your mind and soul and ignite deep passions that are true and uniquely to you, so you can share them and fully live them in the world.
For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
BUENOS AIRES – January, February 2015
In this intensive you will reignite a level of beauty, femininity and passion, like only people in Buenos Aires know how.
Argentinian women have it in them: they are feminine, sassy, sexy and strong. They know how to call the shots and they also know how to connect with their inner passions and express it into the world. They have the secrets to become magnets and attract what they desire into their lives.
By saying YES to yourself in Buenos Aires, you will be fully supported by a city that represents beauty and femininity like you have never experienced before. You will uncover the truth of who you are and walk away from this experience feeling fully confident, beautiful and powerful as a woman. Every area of your life, including your business will shine through your essence, your passions and your deepest desires.
For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
PARIS- Booking for 2015
Paris is always a good idea…
Paris is the representation of exquisite beauty, elegance and femininity. This city witnessed some of the greatest artists in the world, from Picasso to Coco Chanel, Paris inspires your true beauty from within.
By allowing yourself to receive this work in this beautiful destination, you have the opportunity to experience a level of luxury and beauty like you have never experienced before. Paris is designed to assist you in connecting with the highest vibration and beauty available so you can call in YOUR beautiful life.
For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
SYDNEY- September 2014
For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
The story behind my Private Day Intensives
For the longest time I had this desire to go to Italy with my husband, as we both have Italian descent and neither one of us have had the opportunity to visit Italy up until that point. Last year, in June 2013, my coach and mentor launched her own Destination Intensives and it was the perfect “excuse” for me to make it into a business and pleasure trip.
‘Til this day, it was the best trip of my life, and that is a lot to say, for someone who is a jet setter like me.
Do you know why?
Because first of all, I’ve allow my long time desire to become a reality. Second, I have also allowed myself to receive in a big way by investing in myself through my amazing coach and mentor and as a result of doing this and saying YES to my desire, I met two gorgeous women on that trip who later became my clients, generating the return on my investment times five.
I also had the opportunity to explore the culture of a country that is so dear to me and be experiencing this with my husband, which deepened our connection as a couple. Being surrounded by the beauty of this destination, supported me to feel inspired and more creative in my business and transformed my brand.
For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email:
Clients Share Their One Day Intensive Experience
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“Paula taught me how to clearly communicate my needs and desires in my relationship”
Paula has been instrumental in the success of my relationship and of my business. She’s taught me how to clearly communicate my needs and desires, awakening a more worth and wealthy woman within.
Since our work together I’ve ignited greater play and creativity in my life resulting in the fast growth of my business, which recently passed the 6 figure mark. On two occasions I came of our coaching call together, felt completely centered and worthy and closed $5000.00 sales!!
She’s brought beauty, wealth and wellbeing to myself, my relationship and my brand and for this I’ll always be grateful!
Grace Kelly – Puglia, Italy
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“I’ve learnt to connect with my beauty, to be in my feminine in order to receive abundance, that my beauty is my power.”
I had the privilege to experience a one day intensive with Paula in Paris! Because Paula works in such a high vibration you cannot help but heal just by being in her presence.
For years I had been carrying around a deep sadness and suffered from depression. After working with Paula that sadness has gone, I am no longer on antidepressants and my life has totally opened up. I am well on my way to achieving the life I have always wanted and the clarity of the work I am doing in the world.
I’ve learnt to connect with my beauty, to be in my feminine in order to receive abundance, that my beauty is my power, that when I am connected with my body the most amazing wisdom comes through, and how to let go of my old stories and create a new life I love, and the list goes on.
Natalie Jayne Pringle – Johannesburg, South Africa
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“Now I own my personal value and that allows me to do more of the work I love with the people I love”
My favorite part of our program with Paula was when I flew down to Argentina to have a private intensive with her! Tango was involved – enough said
One of my biggest accomplishments is that I was able to heal a big piece of my own relationship to the masculine in my life and in my business, which now allows me to be more on purpose on a day-to-day business and aligned with my work. I now own my personal value and that allows me to do more of the work I love with the people I love.
Paula’s style of coaching is grounded in the spiritual and feminine realm of life, with a twist of powerful masculine support that inspires you to be, work, and play at your BEST. She has a very loving way of nudging you toward embracing every part of who you really are and how to be that in the world.
Juliet Turalski – Hoboken, New Jersey
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“I healed my relationship with beauty and femininity and squash disempowering beliefs so that I could successfully “go for it” in my business and career.”
When I first reached out to Paula, I was transitioning from my corporate management consulting job into entrepreneurship as a graphic designer, and I knew I needed help to make sure that I was approaching my new career with a more authentic {feminine} approach.
I knew Paula was the right coach for me because she specialized in beauty and feminine principles, plus she was an experienced {and successful} business owner who could understand my unique needs as an entrepreneur.
I’ll admit that I used to have somewhat of an inferiority complex about being “feminine”. I went along with society, believing that my feminine interests were “silly”, “weak”, or “unimportant”. I now honor these parts of myself. I have eliminated all shame that I used to experience around my desires to pursue my artistic goals instead of climbing the corporate ladder. I’m more comfortable in my own skin and I see an abundance of beauty in the world that I never noticed.
Stacy Ranya – Manhattan, NYC
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“My intensive with Paula has opened my channels of receiving, clarity and confidence”
My intensive with Paula was one of my favourite moments as I was able to release, adjust and apply all the work and material we discovered was holding me back for so long. I immediate felt connected with myself again, opening up my world and heart to all the great possibilities that were to follow.
Since then, I have experienced the confidence and clarity in making decisions/action steps in my life and business by hosting my first business intensive in Rome, living in Italy for the summer, up-leveling my quality of lifestyle, starting a new relationship with a man, healing past emotional blocks that have allowed me to move forward quicker, and becoming a great receiver as a women which has enhanced my relationships and quality of life.
This process allowed me to be supported and nurtured at the same time. It was definitely a great healing process and has opened my channel to higher levels of receiving, clarity and confidence.
Danielle Rosa – Rome, Italy
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“Now I walk through my day-to-day with so much more confidence and peace instead of the fear and low self worth that used to plague me despite seeming to “have it all” on the outside”
I loved the entire Intensive day with her, it was so powerful and amazing on so many levels. This is SUCH powerful work. It has truly changed my entire life from top to bottom.
Before signing up for a Private Day I was really feeling lost and stuck. I felt torn because I was married to a man I loved and adored and had 2 beautiful girls and a business that allowed me a lot of flexibility in my schedule, but if I was being really honest with myself I felt like I was dying inside, and I couldn’t understand why. I felt very desperate to make a change because I knew something was missing for me that was a critical piece for my own personal happiness and it was holding me back in other areas of my life, especially my business.
Now I walk through my day-to-day with so much more confidence and peace instead of the fear and low self worth that used to plague me despite seeming to “have it all” on the outside. I can see that I am so much more comfortable and willing to initiate conversations with others and speak up and feel happy with who I am and what I have to offer without feeling like I have to prove myself or meet someone else’s standards. I am so thrilled that all I need to do is be ME, and so excited to be on this path of deepening my relationship with myself.
Dr. Kendall Ritz – Pennsylvania
[/dropshadowbox]For direct questions or to reserve your spot, please email: