The 3rd Type of Sign

When I lived in my hometown of Buenos Aires, Argentina—before coming to the States—I thought I had it all.

I was married, I had a high-paying corporate job that I was proud of, I was living in a nice apartment in the city. We really thought we were doing everything right.

And then I got fired… for laughing (no kidding). 

I was already done with the job well beforehand. If you’ve worked in corporate before, you may know the feeling. I couldn’t be me, I couldn’t be free, and so I knew I couldn’t simply go back and get another job in that world again. I just refused to do it!

And so I started to nurture the entrepreneur in me. 

And that’s when my husband decided that he couldn’t handle this new person. I was breaking too many rules, and he couldn’t take it. 

So he left.  Just like that…

I look back on this time as one of the darkest in my life.

I was devastated. I spent many many nights crying, and wondering why this had all happened to me. It took me years to come out on the other side, and be able to make sense of everything that had happened.

Now I know that it was all a sign.

It was the most dramatic, powerful sign of all. A blow up.

A blow up is exactly what it sounds like. It’s when things go extremely wrong. It feels like a failure, a big mistake, something huge that finally comes to a head.

It’s the 3rd type of sign.

Sometimes these blow ups have been brewing for years and years, just waiting to come up to the surface.

Sometimes they come out of the blue—totally blindsiding you.

What I learned from my major blow up back in Argentina was that the life I was living was based on false security. My job looked good on the outside, my marriage seemed secure on the outside—but neither of these things could really handle who I really was.

As soon as I started to come out of my shell and be myself, be true to who I was, it all exploded.

The blow up was a MAJOR blessing in disguise.

Because of this blow up, I was invited to create a life on my own terms. I found my true love, Rob, a man who loves me for who I really am. I created a successful business that is thriving because it aligns with who I am. I get to work with women who appreciate my laughter and my unique gifts. 

Now, I get to help women identify the blowups and the various signs appearing in their own lives.

Always remember, this is an opportunity to learn and receive wisdom about who you really are, and what direction you want to go in in your life.

It’s a chance for you to course correct, bring a new light into a situation, to grow and expand your soul.

Do you have a feeling is brewing in your life right now?

What do you know you are requiring support around these days?

Which area of your life you know you need to start paying close attention to?

If you would like support identifying and translating the signs in your life, to figure out what your next step might be on your path, I want to invite you to join me for a one-on-one coaching session. I’d love to help you!

If you’re interested in learning more, respond to this post, and I’ll send you all the details on how we can arrange this private time together.

P.S. I received many insightful comments on this topic of signs. I love hearing from you, and thank you for sharing! 

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