Have you ever experienced those moments where everything feels right, when you are in the flow and life feels like a beautiful dance?
What if I told you that you can actually live your life in this way? Would you believe me?
Would you think that’s just for some and not you?
Would you think I’m too naive, that I don’t know anything about life?
Creating magic and miracles in our lives is easy because it’s the essence of who we are. We are magical beings!
Experiencing magic and miracles doesn’t mean that you are sitting waiting for that to happen. That’s NOT receiving.
It means that you are committed to your life as an Empowered Woman, that you clear the blocks that are limiting your power and your capacity to receive and take inspired action towards what you desire.
In this video I’m sharing with you a perfect example that I experienced yesterday as I arrived in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The magic aand miracles are within you. When you remove the old beliefs that are covering your true light, you will be able to see it clearly.
This is a photo of Reverend Michael Beckwith and I yesterday at Whole Foods in Scottsdale, Arizona. Meeting this man and being in his presence was truly powerful and magical.
After we parted, I could feel my whole body vibrating and soon after that, I received the answers to something really powerful for me.
Magic and miracles are contagious!
Once you’ve had a chance to watch my video, I’d love to hear from you. Tell me, by replying to this email:
Do you find yourself blocking what you want? How does it feel to you when you are blocked? Do you get upset and angry? Do you shut down and isolate?
Sending you so much love and beauty,
P.S. Receiving magic and miracles is easy when we get out of our own way. If you feel that you are trapped, repeating the same patterns without being able to move forward, let’s jump on a quick call where I can help you identify your blocks and create a plan to open yourself up to call in magic, miracles and so much more into your life.
CLICK HERE to schedule your call.