Why I Don’t Do My Taxes Anymore….

What is the deal with us modern women thinking we need to do it all OURSELVES?

If you’re like me, you are soooo glad tax season is almost over.

But, it wasn’t until recently that I actually allowed myself to receive support around my taxes. I remember staying up until the early morning hours trying to figure out numbers, sifting through piles of receipts, and failing to remember where that $50 dollars came from last February.

I am an intelligent woman, and for some reason I didn’t realize I could have help around my taxes. Better said, I know why, because I had the belief that I HAD TO DO IT ALL ON MY OWN. 

As I was starting my own business the burden of taxes became overwhelming and exhausting, to the point where I would be in a very bad mood, totally frenetic and desperate, and spending unnecessary hours of my time at the accountant’s office.

Not long ago I finally got it didn’t have to be that way…

I began to acknowledge that without ME there is no business and that if I don’t take care of myself in the areas that are important to me, I would never see the success I desired for myself.

We need to create a dance between the masculine energies that our businesses require and our feminine energies that allow us to enjoy what we are creating. As soon as you do that, you will become more creative, attract more money, and enroll the clients that make you feel on purpose and happily pay for your services.

Infusing beauty and femininity in your life and business is NOT a waste of time – it’s the path to all you desire.

What does it mean to infuse the feminine in your business?

One clear example for me was when I started to DELEGATE the tasks that were not bringing me PLEASURE. 

Spoiled? Nop, SMART…

Delegating was a hard concept to wrap around my head at first. Once I started delegating one thing, then another, everything in my business became much easier and definitely much more enjoyable….and more profitable $$$.

I soon learned that we can have it all, but we don’t have to do it all. In fact, if we want it all, we can’t do it all.

When you ask for help with things that don’t thrill you, thus allowing the space to infuse beauty and femininity in the areas of life you love, you WILL:

  • Raise your frequency and call in the experiences you desire
  • Attract the relationships and people you want to take part in your life
  • Be the feminine leader that others look to for expertise and support
  • Increase your confidence and trust in the timing of everything
  • Increase your capacity for receiving, which will translate into having more money coming in from your business.

In my coaching business I support my clients in making the switch back to their essence and connecting them with their beauty and femininity so they can have a business they truly enjoy and love, a business that feeds their soul, not depletes them.

These are modern times. We don’t have to do it all ourselves.

Who said we have to suffer through creating a business?

Who said we had to run ourselves to the ground and put off enjoying life until we are 65?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

I am blessed to know some very powerful women who are fully enjoying their lives, dedicating time to their self care, beauty, and create such a high vibration for themselves that life becomes easier.

They become magnets to attract more clients and more money, and they have the time to enjoy themselves and their lives. Because I’ve also made the shift to personally live this way, I can attest to the truth of it.


And you can do it too….just follow these simple steps:

1) Know and accept that taking time for yourself, is NEVER a waste of time.

2) Request the help you require, start simple, maybe having someone to help you around the house once per week.

3) Allow yourself to plan how you are going to enjoy all of those free moments, this can be going for a walk, finding a flowers market and buy yourself some flowers, getting a manicure or even taking a bath….oops, I forgot doing a honey mask, of course, will serve you in great ways. (You are NOT allow to work while you are receiving help, trust me on this one, this will support you in learning to receive.

I would LOVE to hear when you implement any of these tips, and I would LOVE for you to share if you noticed any difference as you tried any of my suggestions above.

If that feminine, beautiful, radiant YOU is trapped inside and begging for release, you’re not alone, AND there’s no reason to stay there a moment longer.

These are things I work on with my clients in my coaching programs. By working together you learn to connect with your beauty and femininity from the inside out and claim all that you want for your life.

Book a private call with Paula, to find out more about how we can work together. Click here to learn more.

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