{Inspirational Tuesday} Your Empowered Woman Mantra 12/1/15

I’m so excited to write to you from New York City, one of my favorite cities in the world.

Talk about unapologetic! This is exactly how I would define this gorgeous city.

Being unapologetic is being in full acceptance of who you are, where you don’t have to apologize for being YOU and you can step into your power and claim all of your dreams and desires, no matter what others would say or think about you.

This piece of being unapologetic has been HUGE for me, as I learned to be a “good girl” most of my life, where I would be what others expected of me in order to feel loved and accepted. Also, I had a fear that if I was fully ME, I would outshine others.

Can you relate?

Being an Empowered Woman is ALL about being Unapologetic!

In order for you to live life on your terms, you must exercise this unapologetic muscle.

I’d love for you to share with my by leaving a comment bellow, in which area/areas of your life you know you require to be unapologetic?

I invite you to repeat this mantra every day of this week and observe if you notice a change in your attitude. (Quick reflection: being unapologetic is NOT being rude or not caring about others, on the contrary, when you are unapologetic about who you are, you give others permission to do the same!)

Have fun being unapologetic this week!

With so much love and beauty,


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