What will happen if you don’t know how to receive?

  • Have you ever felt so awkward that instead of receiving, you offer yourself to help?
  • Have you ever promised yourself that you would start practicing receiving, and you find yourself so easily going back to old patterns of giving compulsively and don’t know how to stop it?

These are all signs that your receiving is imbalanced.

Receiving seems like a foreign concept for most women. This is because we have learned that by giving we would be loved and appreciated. So we give and give in hopes that at some point someone would see how much we give and they would give us back….and when do this, we set ourselves up for deception and disappointment.

I found this quote and ’til this day, it’s such a great reminder about how essential it’s for women to learn how to receive:

“People who have difficulty RECEIVING,
                                               attract people who have difficulty GIVING”

Wow, right?

One of the main things I teach my clients as soon as we start working together is the difference between doing and taking AND giving and receiving. 

Doing and taking energy looks like two arrows pointing in two different directions.There’s the one that does and the one that takes. They are not related, they don’t connect. Usually the doer feels most times depleted but can’t stop doing and the taker keeps taking and expecting things to be done for them….have you ever experience anyone in your life like this?

Instead, the giving and receiving is a completely dynamic energy that feeds both the giver and the receiver. It’s a light, pleasurable and exciting energy (do you know that feeling when you can’t wait to give a gift to someone that truly enjoys receiving gifts?)

It is essential that women master the art of receiving. I totally get that at the beginning it feels uncomfortable.

I was talking to a powerful woman on the phone who in order to give to others, she sacrificed her own well being by working long hours (coming home after 8pm) and giving up a big salary. She thought she was “giving” and even though the cause that she’s helping is beautiful, deep inside we uncovered that she’s frustrated and angry because she’s exhausted all the time and feels she has no life.

How many of these examples do you know in your own life?

And when you read about this woman, which energy do you think she’s in: “doing and taking energy” or “giving and receiving energy”?

We put ourselves in jail when we do this and we are NOT doing anyone a favor.…Because the truth is that we can’t help anyone or be of service to others when our cup is empty.

Imagine this woman having plenty of time in the morning to prepare for her day, go to work, be fully present and make great money for her to afford the support that she needs and the things that make her happy. She gets home early every day, goes for an afternoon walk with her husband, has time to chat with her kids and prepare dinner together…..

What a different scenario, don’t you think?

I’d like for you to become very aware about these two energies “doing and taking” and “giving and receiving” this week. Notice where you spend most of your time and share with me bellow.

In the spirit of Receiving and because I know how powerful and crucial this piece has been for me in my life and how much when I truly opened to receive, EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE started shifting, I’d like to challenge you to start practicing your receiving TODAY.

I have opened my schedule for the month of November for 5 new clients. If you have been considering receiving coaching and you know you want to work with me but you are unsure of what that would look like…

I’d like to gift you a 1 Hour Private Coaching Session for FREE with me.

Here are my requirements:

1) You have to be committed and serious about your personal transformation.
2) You are willing and available to invest time and money on yourself at this time.
3) You are looking to master this piece of receiving once and for all

We will have a 1 Hour Free Private Coaching together. You will receive a sample of what our work together would be about. If after that time together you feel you would like to continue, we will explore the options available and that are most suitable for you. If you feel complete and we find that we are not a fit at this moment, I trust that it’s meant to be this way. No pushing, no pressure. Simple and clear.

Please email me at info@paulalacobara.com your free session. Note that this is ONLY for the first 5 women who respond. Are you ready?

As I know the power of YOU learning how to receive, and the impact
that this will create in every area of your life, especially at this time of the year with the holidays approaching, PLUS it would be an honor for me to be your guide on this journey, I’d love for you to take me up on this challenge.

Here’s what some women that have opened their receiving have been experiencing in their lives:

Looking forward to speaking with you soon!

Love, love,



PS: Remember to hit reply to this email to get your FREE 1 Hour Private Coaching Session with me. I’m getting SO excited to support you on this journey already!

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1 thought on “What will happen if you don’t know how to receive?”

  1. Paula, this is such an important topic. Especially for mums — like me. We often get stuck in doing, doing mode, afraid to even ask or accept help as we believe that means “taking” something from someone. When in fact, if we just let the energy of giving and receiving flow, life becomes so much more beautiful, easy and enjoyable! Thank you for sharing. Elsa x

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