Why Being Unapologetic…?

I stayed up until 1am last night mostly reading about Sofia Vergara.

If you don’t know who she is, Sofia is a Colombian actress and is the highest paying actress in Hollywood at the moment. She has it all… she is beautifully gorgeous, smart, hilarious and above all UNAPOLOGETIC about who she is, which makes her even more attractive.

She is the perfect example of what I mean when I talk about being unapologetic. And I am not talking about how she looks like…I am talking about who she is.

In the past I would have felt jealous, triggered, even judged her…”how does she dare to be so, beautiful, smart, hilarious, etc”, as in my culture I learned to judge and criticize those who are fully confident about themselves, as if that was a bad thing?

Now I know better…

And it is from this place of that I was able to receive the life that I have today and it keeps expanding.

Here is the truth. When a woman dwells in negative feelings about other people, wishing she had this thing, or that thing, falling into victim mentality, she is giving away her power and from this place she will absolutely block the life she truly desires.

Can you relate?

Being UNAPOLOGETIC about who YOU ARE WILL allow you to RECEIVE all of your hearts desires:

  •  The support in your relationships you crave
  • The amount of clients you desire to serve
  • The money in your bank account that will support all of your desires
  • The lifestyle that has your heart sing
  • The time to enjoy the things you love the most
  • And….whatever you desire and more.

I am very passionate about this, as you might already know, and I truly want to share with you the secrets I uncovered through my years of personal development that have allowed me to receive my own desires and create my beautiful life.

I created the Unapologetic Receiving Mastery Program because so many of my clients were struggling in the area of receiving. Because this was a big pain for me, I took many years of working through it, I read many books, took many courses, training and coaching.  This has allowed me to become the expert I am today.


 Love, love


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