Don’t settle for either/or….

What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you read the following…?

And let me ask you, do you even stop to think what you REALLY want?

This is where a lot of us women get stuck, we don’t allow ourselves to “go there,” to just think about what we want.

Some of us don’t believe we can have it all so why let ourselves even feel that possible disappointment…

Some of us growing up were told over and over to be practical, realistic and not waste time on worthless or foolish desires.

As I shared with you last week, my husband and I became home owners. Now we are on to putting our energy in becoming pregnant.

I’m not going to lie, the little voice in my head paid me a visit the other day and said: “Is nothing ever enough for you? Why do you need more? Do you really need to get pregnant now? You just can’t conform with anything, can you?”

Oh, do I know this voice….

Can you relate?

Here’s the truth, I came to this country 14 years ago with two suitcases and no money (my sister paid my plane ticket.)

In this short time I met the love of my life, my soul mate Rob. I found my calling, which is something I desired ever since I can remember and today not only I wake up super excited about what I do, I also built a very prosperous business that allows Rob and I to have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

Also, it allows me to work with the most loving, fabulous women on this planet and they inspired me each and every day to be my best and to create experiences that help them heal and be their most truthful and empowered selves.

I’ve healed major family wounds, in fact, the buying of the home gave me a big opportunity to heal something really powerful with my father that I didn’t even know was still there.

The list goes on and on and on….so yes! It’s time for a baby now….because after all the work I did to remove the gunk and allow myself to create life on MY terms I know it is possible to have it ALL and MORE.

I want to make sure you feel this way too.

That you can have such confidence in yourself that you know everything you desire will be a reality for you.

That you don’t have to settle for less than or crumbs, instead, you are fully open and receive happily and joyfully.

So if you have been feeling trapped too much in “reality”, not being able to allow yourself to take time to think and feel into what you REALLY want….

If you feel stuck in wishful thinking but you don’t seem to go further than that or at least start to take baby steps towards what you want, because the “who do you think you are?” voice has been activated within you….

I want to invite you to be very loving with yourself and ask yourself these questions:

1) What if I allow myself to have it all? What would that look and feel like? (I really want you to take a moment to visualize this and connect with the feeling. You will know because you are going to feel tingles all over your body.)

2) What if I don’t allow myself to have it all? What would that look and feel like? (Again, allow yourself to really go there and visualize this and connect with the feeling…)

3) Am I willing to allow myself to have it ALL and MORE, even if I don’t really know what that would look like or even if I’m scared? (You require to feel it deep in your womb, this is a visceral experience.)

If your answer is YES, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to speak with me privately so you can receive my personal expert feedback where I will help you get clear on exactly what you need to do to break the glass ceiling that has been having you conform with crumbs and move into opening your heart to have EVERYTHING you desire!

Darling, remember YOU can have it ALL and MORE. When you do, EVERYONE benefits (particularly YOU 😉

I look forward to getting on the phone with you to learn what those desires are and show you how you can make them a reality in no time!

Love, love,

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