How to get out of your head and into your body….

How many times have you felt stuck in your head, feeling burnt out mentally and disconnected from the real YOU?

You keep pushing, trying to make things happen in your life but deep inside you feel something is still missing…

I met Julie a month ago. When we spoke for the first time she told me she wanted to work on her feminine.

She is a pilot, I mean this woman flies planes…how amazing is this? She’s powerful, however, she’s learned to access her power solely from the masculine.

She works in a male dominated environment so she doesn’t have many opportunities to experience her feminine in her everyday life.

For the longest time she felt something was missing. At first she couldn’t pinpoint what it was until she went to an event in NYC and realized it was her feminine.

Last Monday I had the honor to work with her in person here in NYC.

When she walked into my home for her private day intensive, she said with the biggest smile on her face: “I’m SO ready to get out of my head and into my body…”

One of the biggest pieces that came up during our intensive was how she has been settling for less in her relationships.

Julie is one of those women who is always ready to help and puts others first. She can organize the best getaway or dinner party and she’s ready to help a friend or a sister out at any time. She’s got it.

In her intimate relationship, she realized how she’s been too much in her head, being in control, always organizing everything and not allowing herself to truly receiving.

Is there any area of your life that you are settling for less?

As the day went by, she started to experience (not understanding) the feminine energy within her, what receiving truly felt like and by the end of the day she felt more empowered than ever before and so liberated.

Something inside of her forever shifted.

I shared with her that her feminine was ignited, just like that! She couldn’t believe it how fast this actually happened!

She also realized that she has many desires that she hasn’t allowed herself to feel, so we created a plan that will allow her to ignite those desires and open herself to receive them.

In order for you to become an Empowered Woman you must activate your feminine. For this you require to get out of your head and into your body.

The fastest and most powerful way to do this is by allowing yourself to embody what you desire, not just think about it, doing mantras or affirmations but allowing yourself to feel those desires in your body.

We’ve been taught not to feel and so we learned to disconnect from our bodies (which is where the feminine resides.)

When we give ourselves the permission to experience pleasure, pain, sorrow, anger, joy, ecstasy, etc. without judgement, we become empowered!

Here are 3 simple steps to get out of your head and into your body:

I’d like to invite you to create space in your day to connect with your feminine body. I’m not talking about working out.

I’m talking about tuning in your body and allowing it to guide you to where it wants to move.

With the feminine there’s no agenda, nowhere to go. It’s all about allowing. It requires patience, and my first recommendation is that you start with your breath.

  1. Put on a music that really inspires you. I’ve reconnected with Enya lately and I love it. Her album “Amarantine” is fabulous.
  2. Lay down on the floor on a rug or a soft surface that feels comfy to you and focus on your breath.
  3. Listen! OK, we are not used to doing this. Listen to your body. Allow it to speak up. If you really listen you will hear how your body desires to move. Just follow that. It doesn’t have to look like anything in particular. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It only needs to feel good to YOU.

I’d like to invite you to try it and would love for you to reply to this email and share how this felt for you.

Through this practice you will receive a little glimpse of what’s available when you ignite your feminine.

If you recognize, like Julie did, that this is a very important piece in your life that requires your attention right now, I’d like to invite you to join me and a very intimate group of women on the next Empowered Woman Retreat, Wild Woman Retreat.

Talk about embodiment! The moment you step foot in the Island you will feel the shift in your body.

All the experiences during the five days of the retreat are specifically designed to assist you in embodying the feminine, not just understand what it’s all about but to really experience it.

And like Julie, you will be transformed too.

Each activity is masterfully created to allow a deeper level of yourself to be uncovered and by day five you will be amazed at how at ease and empowered you’ll feel.

You will NOT be the same once you leave the island and you will take with you all the tools you need to sustain your transformation.

CLICK HERE to find out more details and look at the exquisite photos, plus hear from the women who had gone through this powerful experience.

I’d love to receive you in Mexico and share this magical and transformative experience with you!

Love, love

PS: After Julie left, she sent me a message telling me that she feels calmer, more relaxed and in charge of herself and her life. She also said that she wouldn’t change for anything having been able to have this experience in person and how powerful it was for her to be witnessed by another powerful woman (that would be me 😉 who could mirror her truth. She’s decided to join us on the retreat too!

Click Here to book a call with me.

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