If you don’t ask, you won’t receive…

I was on a session with a client yesterday and when I told her this, she had the biggest breakthrough and I wanted to share this with you.

Many of us women fall in the trap of believing that we can only ask for very little or just enough.

Some don’t even know how to ask for what they truly desire…and they end up conforming and settling for crumbs. (I know this sounds harsh but trust me, I’ve done this so many times.)

I’m looking at the snow falling outside my window in my new house in Stowe, Vermont and I seriously have to pinch myself…I’m a homeowner!

Last December, I sent out an email where I shared with you my deepest desires for 2017. On that list there was this desire:

I trust that I will buy my first home in the U.S.

And within three weeks of 2017, we put in an offer and closed on our first home!

I want to make sure that this happens for you too.

That you can feel confident in asking for what you want, not what you think you can get.

That you trust yourself and your desires every single day of your life and have the certainty that they will become a reality for you.

So if you have been feeling stuck, not being able to access your deepest desires, and you feel that you have been just scratching the surface of what you think would be possible for you…

If you feel trapped in limiting thoughts that repeat over and over that what you want can easily happen for others but not for you…

What if that wasn’t true?

I want to invite you to be very compassionate with yourself and ask yourself these questions:

1) What if I allow myself to believe that my desires can become a reality…what would that feel like? (I really want you to take a moment to visualize this and connect with the feeling. You will know because you are going to have some tears rolling down your cheeks.)

2) What do I must let go of in order to receive my deepest desires? (This could be: fear, low self esteem, lack mentality, control, doubt, insecurity, lack of confidence, being too much in my masculine)

3) Am I willing, ready and able to let go of what I wrote in #2 and open to receive what I wrote in #1?

YOU have the power to create life on YOUR terms.

And it starts with a decision!

I want you to know that you can ask for every desire of your heart and you don’t have to wait years for this to happen…your desires are waiting for you to call them in!

Are you ready?

Darling, remember that you can BE, DO and HAVE everything you desire.

Love, love,

PS: We have all been conditioned “out of our Empowered Woman,” which leaves the life we are truly here to live just slightly out of reach.

I created this short quiz (in less than 5 minutes) you will gain insight and clarity about where you are living out of alignment through my unique Empowered Woman Archetype System.

Click here to find out your Empowered Woman Archetype.

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