Katie found the love of her life….do you want to hear how?

Last year, Katie was determined to find love, as she had been a single mom for 7 years.

She decided to join us for the Empowered Woman Retreat, Wild Woman Experience in May last year because she knew one of the biggest pieces in order to find love was to create a deeper connection with herself.

She wasn’t into just being with any man. She wanted a life partner, someone who she could share her most intimate self.

As she said yes to the retreat she started to experience a LOT of resistance. She said: “I was the worst nightmare client.”

All her stuff came up, she challenged and questioned everything…

Her body shut down, she couldn’t move her back and shoulder, she was in so much pain.

Fear came up. She started to doubt what she was doing, why she signed up for it.

She forgot all about her desire…

This is what happens when you have a BIG desire. Fear will immediately kick in and it will have you forget about your desire.

When you focus on fear, instead of your desire, you close yourself to receiving what you want .

As a self love coach, she was aware that she was in a major state of resistance, however she also understood that this is the process she had to go through to move into this new desire, a deep, true intimate relationship with a man.

She arrived to the retreat feeling very scared.

She was sure she wasn’t gonna like the other women in the group and that they weren’t going to like her.

She was aware that this defied any logic and reasoning, that her emotions were being triggered…AND these were the exact emotions that were coming up to be seen and healed.

Her fear kept rumbling: “I’m not gonna like them, they are not gonna like me. I don’t know why I’m here (she forgot again why she went to the retreat.)”

What Katie really needed was to allow herself to feel all those fears and “see” them play out.

These same fears have been stopping her from attracting the relationship of her dreams.

Up until that point, Katie was feeling like she was the only one who couldn’t connect at a deeper level in her relationships and by being vulnerable and sharing it among other women, she realized she wasn’t the only one after all. This changed everything for her!

Watch Katie’s video where she shares a powerful story that happened while we were all cooking in the kitchen.

One of the most powerful things Katie received at the retreat was that for the first time she felt seen, heard and celebrated as a woman.

She’s been operating from the masculine, being “comfortable” behind the wall that kept her away from pain and intimacy.

On the retreat she learned how to access a deeper connection with herself and that opened a new level of her power. The power of being truly herself!

Three months after the retreat her life completely transformed. In her words, “I felt upside down in the best possible way.”

Two months after that (5 months after the retreat) she met the love of her life. And what I just found out is that this exact week, as you are reading her story, she’s officially moved into her new home with her son, her man and his kids.

Here’s the trick: Before meeting the love of her life, which is what she truly desired, she had to do the work to clear the blocks that were stopping her from connecting deep within herself.

She had to stop playing small, face her fears and truly own HERSELF and her power unapologetically.

She also had to commit to herself at a deeper level than ever before and that required for her to take risks and do things differently (like going to a retreat in the busiest month she could possibly travel.)

This is what Katie did to find her love:

1) She made the choice to stop wishing and actually listen to her desire: Katie realized that wishing alone wasn’t going to bring her man. She knew that if she didn’t face her fears, she would continue to wish instead of open herself to receive her desire.

2) She listened to her inner guidance instead of her head: Being a coach herself, she recognized when she felt stuck and didn’t let that stop her, instead she allowed herself to keep trusting her inner guidance, even when it felt scary.

3) She took inspired action: She was determined and committed that no matter what, she was going to go after her desire (even if everything seemed against her.) She stay true to her intuition and loyal to her desire, not to her fears.

4) She opened to receive: Even if she felt the resistance coming through, she kept reminding herself of her desire and kept picturing that beautiful and intimate relationship of her dreams.

I’m sharing Katie’s story with you so you can be inspired and truly own that your desires are waiting for you to open to receive them.

And yes, it will require that you meet them halfway…they are not just going to show up.

That’s part of the fun, don’t’ you think?

Katie was able to truly embody and integrate her feminine power at the Empowered Woman Retreat, Wild Woman Experience.

What she received as a result was the deepest connection with herself, which led her to find the love of her life. Not only that, she uncovered a renewed sense of purpose in her career.

She feels more beautiful and powerful in a very loving and compassionate way. She feels more open and she enjoys deeper friendships with the women in her life.

If you recognize that this is a very important piece for you at the moment, like Katie did, I’d like to invite you to join me and a very intimate group of women on the next retreat 

All the experiences during the five days of the retreat are specifically designed to assist you in igniting your Empowered Woman so you can access your power in the most loving and compassionate way, where you can stop resisting what the Universe is wanting to give you and open up to fully receive EVERY desire of your heart.

Each activity is masterfully created to allow a deeper level of yourself to be uncovered and by day five you will be amazed at how at ease and empowered you’ll feel.

You will NOT be the same once you leave the island AND you will take with you all the tools you need to sustain your transformation.

CLICK HERE to find out more details and look at the exquisite photos, plus hear from the women who had gone through this powerful experience.

I’d love to receive you in Mexico and share this magical and transformative experience with you!

Katie is filled with love in every area of her life. Not only she now lives in her new home with her love and kids, she also uncovered her true purpose. She finally stopped doing what she thought others wanted of her.

This happened because she tapped into her true power and today she allows her Empowered Woman run the show!

It would be my honor to receive you on my next retreat.

Schedule Appointment

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