What is TANGO teaching me about being a woman?

Do you truly know what it means to be a WOMAN?

Since we arrived to Buenos Aires, my husband Rob and I have been craving to take some time out of our busy schedule to explore tango. If not here, where?

After hosting another Private Day Intensive upon my return to Buenos Aires for the second time this year, I have decided to hire a tango teacher to come to our beautiful home and teach us PRIVATE TANGO LESSONS…OMG, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I am learning through this dance about what it means to be a woman!

In tango, both partners communicate from the heart and through their embrace. In order to dance, they need to be very aware of each other’s bodies. The man is the leader, and he leads from the heart. In oder to properly lead, he needs to be in charge, know his steps and be aware of his surroundings to protect the woman. I’d like to say, he needs to be in his empowered masculine.

The woman follows, but she must follow from her empowered feminine, since it is her sole responsibility to be fully connected with her body and know her steps as well. She follows from a place of invitation, not from a place of force. Let’s remember, the intention is to create a beautiful dance together.


On our first lesson, I heard our teacher tell Rob: “If you force her, she will resist. If you invite her, she will accept”. How many times have I operated from my masculine as a woman in my business and in my life, trying to force things, instead of inviting things into my life, can you relate to this Paula

What makes this a beautiful dance is the constant agreement between the two, their partnership and connection, the opportunity to let go of ego and truly listen to each other.

The work I do with my clients reminds me of TANGO. As you might already know, men and women share feminine and masculine aspects within each other. Most of the women I have the pleasure to work with, come from a very masculine world; they’ve been either taught that being in their feminine is weak and unsafe or that in order to fit in and be successful, they have to be like men. 

What I am being reminded of through this experience of dancing tango is that in order for women to be truly successful and fully enjoy their lives, they require to be fully integrated with both aspects, the feminine and the masculine.

In order to live a beautiful, fulfilled life you require the integration of these aspects, which is how I work with my clients in my coaching practice.

If you are feeling…

  • Like you are very busy with life and have a hard time prioritizing yourself
  • Disconnected from what you want and feel defeated
  • Like you are desiring to be seen but you are so self conscious about what others might think of you 
  • Power struggle in your relationship with men
By working together you will uncover your deepest feminine power and feel so confident in your own skin, that you KNOW nothing will stop you from being the woman you are meant to be in this world.
Book a private call with Paula, to find out more about how we can work together. Click here to learn more.

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