You’ve never heard this from me before…

Last week I was minding my own business, went to the store to get a new phone, had dinner with my hubby, life was good.

When my phone finished updating all of my apps, I saw a notification from my business page of a woman that I don’t know, who called me ignorant and insensitive on a post which had a photo of me in front of the Eiffel Tower. Interestingly enough, the post was about promoting the Empowered Woman Guide.

WOW, where did that come from? This is the first time I EVER got a comment like this on Facebook.

I’m not gonna lie, I was SO triggered. My body started to shake and I felt a burning feeling inside (better known as anger). The worst part is that all of my fears came up, old fears I thought I was done with…

The voices in my head started screaming “Who do you think you are Paula? Go back to your country, you don’t even know English, let alone write posts in that language”, “This is what you get for being visible, you were better off in the mountains of Cordoba (Argentina) with your tied eye dress and your cookie basket…”

Oh dear, the voices can be brutal…and NO, I AM NOT better off selling cookies in the valley of a town with only 500 people, where eating cheese was a luxury, because I could barely afford it.

Stepping into our power as women is not always easy. In fact, most women DON’T do it because of exactly what happened to me

When we are visible, we are exposed and that could be very scary, especially at a time now where anyone can write their opinions of you publicly on social media for everyone to see. 

One of my biggest fears was of being criticized, that others would not think highly of me, is this yours too?

Because of this fear, for the longest time I’ve been playing nice, always looking pretty and making sure to please everyone, doing the right thing.

This is why I created my business around being unapologetic…this was one of my biggest lessons, and still is.

Being unapologetic about who you are requires courage and confidence, two big traits of the Empowered Woman.

The Universe has a funny sense of humor though, and hours after this episode, a dearest client of mine sent me, just because she thought it was too fabulous not to share, this picture on an email saying how that made her think of me #unapologeticallyperfect, she wrote.

All I could do was laugh AND got the memo…to remember that the voices are just that, voices from the past that are not our truth.

#unapologeticallyperfect is right!

I know it may sound easy to say, but going through the process of reading that post where I was criticized publicly for no reason more than a woman’s opinion and in her willingness to try and take down another woman’s power was tough.

Because if it came from a constructive place, I get it. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. If I were in her place, I would have probably sent her a private message, not blast her publicly. She chose differently….and what hurt me the most is that she chose to do that to another woman. 

This is why I do what I do.

Because women require to start empowering each other and that begins with doing the work on yourself. 

Not only did I feel angry at the fact that this woman chose to act this way, I was sad because I felt her pain as well. There’s no need to attack anyone. If we want to live in a peaceful world, we are required to stop attacking each other, and start building each other up, especially among women.

I don’t know about you, but I’m taking a stand for stopping this madness of women’s competition and cattiness and truly start supporting each other in our highest version of ourselves. When we attack other women, either publicly or in our heads, we are attacking ourselves, and THAT needs to stop. 

Because of this experience, and because I’d like to support you to stop playing small in your life and going after every single desire of your heart, which might not exactly be happening fear of stepping into your power, I’d like to invite you to join me on this webinar, next Wednesday, December 9th at 4pm EST, 1pm PST, 9pm LONDON, 10pm PARIS, 8am (next day) Sydney


Learn 3 Keys to Be in Your Feminine Power and Create a Successful 2016

CLICK HERE to reserve your spot on the webinar

On this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Access your feminine power and create, manifest and call in every desire of your heart
  • Ask for what you want without apology and actually receive it
  • Make yourself your #1 priority every day effortlessly, without feeling guilty for it.
  • Connect with your desires, without holding back and trust that they will manifest
  • Claim your confidence and become powerfully visible in the world
I can hardly wait for next Wednesday and see you there!

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