The Blog


Feeling stuck in pleasing mode?

I recently had a client who reached out asking me what to do when she feels like everything is hitting her at once. You know what I mean, when everything is happening at the same time and you feel you need a clone to do everything and be everywhere you


Do you believe in magic, real magic?

Last Sunday was the final day of another unforgettable retreat. One of the main things that every single woman experiences at the Empowered Woman retreats is magic, the magic that happens when you reconnect back to your truth. The first day some women were skeptical. They were thinking to themselves:


From chaos to empowered

I am writing to you from Isla Mujeres, México. Soon I will be hosting seven women who have made the choice to reclaim their Empowered Woman within and join me at the Wild Woman Experience retreat. Last Saturday we had a call and each of the participants shared their intentions


How to get out of your head and into your body….

How many times have you felt stuck in your head, feeling burnt out mentally and disconnected from the real YOU? You keep pushing, trying to make things happen in your life but deep inside you feel something is still missing… I met Julie a month ago. When we spoke for


Don’t settle for either/or….

What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you read the following…? And let me ask you, do you even stop to think what you REALLY want? This is where a lot of us women get stuck, we don’t allow ourselves to “go there,” to just think about what